
Showing posts from August, 2010

Boredom and Faith

Boredom Lol, boredom is what is such a distraction, no motivation to complete what you really really wanna do. It is sad. But in reality when it comes down to it you will be really bored when you are broke from non completion of life accomplishments, make a habit to do something productive towards your ultimate goals and complete one thing at a time. Boredom will not conqueror me and fulfill me with empty activities of distractions. I will not let frustration consume of all the time I’ve wasted being ignorant to this concept, because that is Life, god obvious didn’t want this to click until RT now. Not that he DIDN’T want me to have this, but this is the time he gave that power to me, and its funny because it came from a small comment from a friend, a comment that he has said and my family has said over a million times. Lol, life. I’m so excited over this that I couldn’t even sleep I had to write, but believe there were…. a lot of distractions along the way. I HAD t o check my FB,...

My 23rd Birthday.

August 27 2010 12:30 am Happy New Year to me! Happy New Year to me! Happy New Year dear meeeeeeeeee! Happy new year to me!!!!!!!!! Yay! It’s my birthday and I am here! I am 23! I am at my Jordan stage! My all star! My Game on year! Im excited!   I’ve always felt very special about my birthday ever since I was young. There’s just something about the numbers 8 ,27, 87 that fuel me. I love them. It’s like 2 87’s but randomly. Like me…. Lol. Lets see here it's a new beginning for me, I have turned 23. There is something about the sound of that age that makes you FEEL grown, “Yes, Im 23” wow. I know in retrospect it is very young, but Im excited to be alive and not feel so unaccomplished being that Im still in community college and no where close to a degree. Nowhere close to finishing accomplishing anything really but now knowing what it is exactly I want in life or at least what it is I WANT and WILL do n life.   You know, god puts this dream in you, I think when he creates...